Reverend Dabeler plays and sings on the piano
Kutzkelina & Benny Glass
Opening: Jakob Dobers
(presented by: am STARt)
In November last year, Reverend Dabeler played a wonderful grand piano concert in the legendary Hamburg club Birdland. We are now very much looking forward to being able to experience this here in Berlin and to a concert evening that will be out of the ordinary. He will be supported this evening by the great Kutzkelina (vocals/autoharp) and the splendid Benny Glass on drums. It is also a great pleasure that Jakob Dobers will be opening the evening as a guest.
Which musical mass will Reverend Dabeler "read" in the Galilee Church? One that is definitely free from publishing constraints, where he will play his favorite songs, certainly songs by Klotz & Dabeler, beautiful cover versions and perhaps one or two pieces from his upcoming new album.
How do you describe Reverend Dabeler to someone who doesn't know him? Jack of all trades is the word that was invented for him: musician, author, film and theater composer, actor and sailor.
Someone like that could only be born in Hamburg, where he started playing the Hammond organ in clubs at the age of 16 and quickly became a protagonist of Hamburg's subculture. His performance as Daddel in the underground film classic "Rollo Aller" from 1990 alongside Rocko Schamoni is still a cult classic. Dabeler also co-wrote the screenplay and composed the film soundtrack with Schamoni. The literary and chanson duo "Klotz & Dabeler" with his later wife Almut Klotz is also still a cult classic until her tragic death in 2013.
For the rest of his biography filled with projects, guest appearances, tours, etc., Wikipedia and name-dropping were invented: Andreas Dorau, Tony Sheridan, Die Sterne, Fink, Rocko Schamoni, Popchor Berlin, OIL, Universal Gonzalez, Frankfurter Jazz Rockschule, as actor Inspector Paulsen with the “Deichbullen”, theater, films, books… All just a few nautical miles away from each other. (Photo: Robin Hinsch)