Beginn: 20:00 Uhr
Doors: Einlass: 19:00 Uhr
Eintrittspreis: Abendkasse: 18 €
Beschreibung des Events:
Our beloved vagabonds caravan of infinity celebrates the release of their 44th record.
Johannes Schleiermacher – Sax, Synthesizer, Flute
Fabiana Striffler – Violin
Maria Schneider – Vibraphon, Percussion
Maasl Maier – Bass, Sax, Percussion
Jakob Thun – Schlagzeug, Percussion
Marja Burchard – Vibraphon, Organ, Santur
Michael Wehmeyer – Piano
Links: Links
Bandcamp Page: https://sonoramarecords.bandcamp.com/album/meets-the-world