Karen Juhl 2
Beginn: 20:00 Uhr
Doors: Einlass: 19:30 Uhr
Eintrittspreis: Abendkasse: 15 €
Beschreibung des Events:

KAREN JUHL has quickly made a name for herself in Danish music with just a few releases, standing out as a distinctive voice. Juhl’s work often blurs the boundaries between art forms, driven by a love for both experimental composition and art pop songwriting.

Her most recent release is the debut album and book Mother Tongue. The album is a sonic hybrid of R&B, rap, experimental composition, and folklore, taking listeners on a poetic, dissonant journey creating a fragmented but meditative reflection on vulnerability in a hyper-globalized world. Live, Juhl merges club culture and chamber music. Two musicians face each other on stage, creating both moments of intensity and deep attention. Beat fragments merge with midi-harp improvisations in a complex and moving performance.

GABRIEL GIFFORD is a Berlin-based artist and producer who traverses experimental pop, creating productions that range from the sensitive to the abrasive. His solo work blends conceptual, cinematic, and folkloric elements, showcased in his debut concept album, Hailstone King, released on November 10, 2023. In the summer of 2024, Gifford debuted Grudgers Words, a live-work deconstructing contemporary UK rap through themes of masculinity and mental health. He is also the co-founder of the Berlin collective Reverse Engineering, known for its focus on experimental parties and multidisciplinary art within club spaces.

Instagram Page: Instagram Karen Juhl
Facebook Page: Bandcamp Karen Juhl
Bandcamp Page: https://karenjuhl.com/