474889934 122210186690215203 1135710943089839308 n
Beginn: 20:00 Uhr
Doors: Einlass: 19:30 Uhr
Eintrittspreis: Abendkasse: 15 €
Beschreibung des Events: The collaboration between Dudù Kouate, renowned Senegalese percussionist, and bass clarinetist Ziv Taubenfeld offers a profound musical dialogue. Their project takes you back to a time when live music and cinema went hand in hand, with a focus on live accompaniment to African films. This combination of traditional African rhythms and innovative improvisations brings forgotten stories to life and puts new accents on cinematic narratives. „La noire de…“ is a 1966 French-Senegalese drama film, written and directed by Ousmane Sembène in his directorial debut. It is considered the first Sub-Saharan African film by an African filmmaker to receive international attention. Although it was poorly received by Western film critics upon its initial release, by the 2010s it came to be seen as a classic of world cinema. Here a little taste from the last show at EYE film museum, Amsterdam in collaboration with Liebig12