Lisa Harres Querformat
Beginn: 20:00 Uhr
Doors: Einlass: 19:30 Uhr
Eintrittspreis: Abendkasse: 10 - 20 € (pay-what-you-can)
Beschreibung des Events:

The sound of rushing water, a hint of piano, and then a voice sets in, fragile yet so intense that it carries you away. The song „Green Bedsheet Gown“ by LISA HARRES is one of those rare moments when you realise something very special is happening. It is a wonderful foretaste of their debut album TIME AS A FRAME, an intimate musical work of hypnotic melodies and poetic lyrics, crafted over many years, now ready to greet the ears of the public.

Join us for a very special record release concert, where Lisa Harres will perform the album in its entirety. The evening will feature Ralph Heidel on saxophone, clarinet, and flute, along with special guest appearances.
(Photo: Finn Ronsdorf)